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The history

The Allweglehen was first mentioned in 1645, when it was already owned by the Fendt family but was still a farm. Together with his father, Helmut Fendt founded a gravel pit, from which the current camping terraces were later created. As early as 1960, the site was converted into terraced campsite, which officially opened its doors to vacation guests two years later. In 1964, a restaurant was added to the onsite facilities. From then on Helga & Helmut ran the campsite together, into which their four children were gradually born. The family business, which started out almost solely as a family business, continued to grow over time & more & more employees were added. In 2005, son Thomas Fendt took over the sole management of the business, now his son Andreas Fendt stands behind the company.

The campsite has since received serveral awards, including the 2019 European Award from the DCC. At the beginning of 2017, major renovation was on the agenda. The campsite was given a new, modern sanitary & a wellness facility with a heated infinity pool. Various rental accommodations have also been added over the last few years.

So here at the Allweglehen we say: „The only thing that is constant, is change“.

For sake of the environment

Sustainability is very important to us at the camping resort. Accordingly, we always pay attention to how we can make your vacation & our offers as ecological & efficient as possible. So you can spend your best time of the year with a clear conscience.

  • Awarded by bavarian Umweltpakt
  • Biomass heating (built 2022)
  • Solar thermal energy
  • Power supply via photovoltaics (expansion planned)
  • Combined heat & power coupling
  • E- charging stations
  • Heat recovery from buildings
  • Investments to date in total 800.000€


For enviromental friendly transportation, four charging stations area available to our guests directly at the resort.

You can also find us on

  • Auszeichnung DCC Vertragsplatz
  • Auszeichnung DCC Preisträger 2019
  • Auszeichnung Camping DTV
  • Auszeichnung Umweltpakt Bayern
  • Auszeichnung ECO Camping
  • Auszeichnung Premium Camps
  • Auszeichnung Member of LeadingCampings

How our guests rate us


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